Friday, December 08, 2006

Bush Should Ignore Iraq Study Group

The job of a leader is to lead, not follow. President Bush should ignore the findings and suggestions of the Iraq study group unless he can use them to illustrate how we should keep going the way we are until victory. What part of "Stay the course" do they not understand? We must keep fighting until the job's done!

We would have won in Vietnam, heck we would have Hanaoi full of McDonalds instead of just a couple, if Richard Nixon hadn't turned so liberal. And remember that James Baker once worked for Ronald Reagan, who was too liberal and had alzheimers.

I am proud of President George Bush for standing up against the tide of popular opinion in this country. There is a true leader in the oval office!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You tell 'em lover!

Brenda P.