Friday, February 09, 2007

Astro-nut Female Goes Hysterical

Nasa lost its gamble. It hired a female astronaut and somebody said something wrong to her and she went hysterical. In case you haven't heard, it was the wrong time of the month and she tried to kill a girlfriend of an astronaut who was a man.

Hey, do you know why they call it "The man in the moon?"
If they called it the woman in the moon it would be too unstable!


Anonymous said...

Did you get the new set of pictures I sent you? I know you don't want me to post here, but you haven't been answering your phone.

Tammy Pulgar

Anonymous said...

I find your last post insensitive to females. And who is Tammy Pulgar?!


Anonymous said...

Your picture reminds me of someone. I know I have seen it someplace before.
Weren't you that guy that Ted Haggard used to get massages from?

-Paul Brett