Friday, August 31, 2007

Idaho Senator is not a Homo

That senator from Idaho who was arrested for reaching his hand under a bathroom stall and touching the leg of an undercover cop was probably just trying to get toilet paper. It has happened to all of us. After eating too many potatoes, you find yourself there on the throne when suddenly your feelings of relief are overcome by panic because the toilet paper spool is empty. It is only natural to ask the person next to you for a couple of squares. It is what Jesus would have done. That cop was inhuman to not pass any TP to the honorable senator from Idaho.

If anyone should be arrested it is that illegal alien custodian who was too lazy to replace the bathroom supplies.

We should focus on more important things, like Osama Bin Laden planning to attack us again.


Anonymous said...

I believe the report was that the senator was (in essence) trying to play footsies with the cop, and not looking for TP.
Stop trying to defend this guy. He is a liar and should be able to "come out of the closet" with some dignity...instead he is an embarrassment. Too bad. Just like Ted Haggard (maybe they are pals).

-Freddy Granger

Anonymous said...

I think Jesus would have not only given him the TP, but asked him to bend over and wipe his ass, too.

You are right. The cop was inhumane.

-Shlomo Horowitz

Anonymous said...

This is exactly why we should install cameras in every public bathroom. If there were a video record, then the senator would be cleared ipso facto.

Jamie Troulonger

Anonymous said...

Aidan Carlson, aren't you supposed to be leading the Fire Eater's Parade at Burning Man? Or are you there now, enjoying the festivities and waiting for The Man to burn?

-Sage Saffron

Porcupinetaxi said...

I shall never return to 'Burning Man" again. People follow you around with cameras and then photoshop the pictures to make you look bad. Sorry, burn me once, shame on you!