Sunday, February 14, 2010

Looks Like God Isn't Happy With Washington

All this snow seems to give me an idea that those fools in the White House better clean up their act.  I mean, come on!  They have got to give up on this healthcare thing.  Can't they get it through their heads that the people do not want healthcare!

I saw Sarah Palin in the news coverage of those tea parties and let me tell you, she was a breath of fresh air.  She is so different than those intellectuals in power.  We need someone like us in power.  When she spoke the keynote for the tea party conference I felt like I was in a wonderland!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love Sarah Palin! Everytime I see her, I get goosebumps and my face flushes. She is so hot!

I keep writing her love letters, but I haven't got a response. I am not going to give up, though. I think she may change her mind once she sees my picture.

Mary Kay McPherson
Seattle, WA