Monday, March 22, 2010

Welcome to Russia!

Well those Bolsheviks in the House of Representatives have done it.  This country is not free any more thanks to Pelosi and her pals.  Healthcare has been shoved down our throats.  If we want the people to get what they want, we need to fight any prescription Doctor OBama makes from now on.  I am not a racist, but doesn't Doctor Obama sound just like some kind of African Witch Doctor who needs to be defeated by Tarzan in order to help the natives!?  Fellow natives, we have a couple of Tarzans out there.  Mike Huckabee and John McCain!


Anonymous said...


Stan Lauderbach

Anonymous said...

Huckabee and McCain have been seen down at my local WalMart parking lot, sporting white sheets with about 50 other people and dancing around some crazy looking bonfire.

I'm kinda pissed that I wasn't invited.

D. Lamborn

Anonymous said...

What I am worried about is this: What if I or someone I love gets sick? None of us want to risk the democrat death panels!

Just darn scary.

Chloe Henderston