Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Obama Emotionless Automaton

Obama says he's mad, but he shows no emotion at all.  I am starting to wonder if he is some kind of tin man, an automoton fabricated by those Democrat Party jerks to ruin our country.  I mean, if he really cared about that oil spill (which is being highly exaggerated) he would start cursing and shucking and jiving!  Instead, all he does is show us a picture of a dead bird (photoshop anyone?) and then clench his jaw and blame BP.

I demand that Obama be given a complete physical exam, including bloodwork, by a doctor chosen by the Republican National Committee, so we can verify if he is some kind or robot or not.  I am serious.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Or we need to drug test him. Is he on crack?

Dabney Dimmick