Monday, January 19, 2015

Huckabee! Huckabee! Huckabee!

Well, my personal friend, Mike Huckabee has started a historical process. He has begun an investigational committee into the feasibility of creating a panel to research the benefits of his running for the presidency of the United States!

I know that my pal, Mike Huckabee, will have a lot of damage control and cleanup after so many years with the Democrat Party in the White House, but he is definitely up to the job. (Heck, I'd rather clean up after a frat party then the Democrat Party! LoL). Obama is leaving the economy in tatters and it is his fault for the disfunction of congress! Also, gays are smoking marijuana and getting married to each other! The Keystone Pipeline, which would bring tar sands from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico, could be the next wonder of the world, but Obama is insisting on vetoing it. He says that it is putting the environment at risk, would not create as many jobs as we say, and would mostly benefit China and Canada. Well, I say this: WHAT DOES HE KNOW?

Huckabee has been on TV, the pulse of the nation, Fox News to be exact. Mike Huckabee knows what is good for the United States of America. Jump on my bandwagon and join me to welcome the next President of the USA. It's Huckabee.


Anonymous said...

If you are a friend of Huckabee, please suggest to him, tactfully, that he lose some weight. Invite him to the gym. He has a better chance of winning if he recovers his old self. I mean, he is not unattractive, but he's seen better days. Get him into some gym trunks and into the steam room to sweat after hitting the weights and maybe some spinning. As for his politics, he is right on target--as attractive a candidate as they come!
Roland Dollanger
Colorado, USA

Anonymous said...

Oh, yeah! There is no way Huckabee is going to lose this time. It's HIS time! With Jesus on your side, you gotta win!

Lana Morgan Talldire
Mount Sympathy Baptist Church, North Carolina

Sparky said...

I, too, like Huckabee. He seems like a decent person, loves America and IS American. Works for me.

Thank you for visiting and commenting on my late, great blog. :) It once was such an important part of my life but I grew weary after all the loss. Plus, I'm still in shock and reeling from the fact that this type of anti-Christ (big ears) was re-elected. UGH! I might return. Might. I did start a totally political blog at It's All Politic. Perhaps that is my next forum.

God bless you and ride safe.

Sparky ~:)
Georgia USA

Anonymous said...

I am reading you blog faithfully as a part of my studies of English Language and Democracy Politic here at Shanghai University. I love the American system and also I am glad that they choose Huckabee for the next president. He sound very good. Excellent pronunciation.

Best Wishes,
Yi Ge Xinxi,
Shanghai University