It is with heavy heart that I am not able to endorse Mike Huckabee for the presidency of the USA. As you may have heard on the news, I have been on a forced digital cleanse and therefore have not been able to keep you up to date on my interesting opinions. It's been hard, but my heart is not so heavy as to not be able to make some comments before the election.
It is so good to be back. Since my return, I have been binging on the debates and other news outlets, such as Fox News. My friend, Mike Huckabee, sent me a flyer which advised me on which candidate to choose for president. I sent it back to him, requesting an autograph.
If we let Hillary Clinton win the presidency, then the oval office will become hot flash central. She would be declaring war one minute and then chattering on and on through the telephone with her Arkansas and Chicago Frenimies for hours on end. She will probably invite children into the place, just to make us think that she is a child lover. You know what they will do. Kids are basically sociopathic monsters, hand prints and all.
I recommend Donald Trump. He did a great job in his cameo on
Home Alone and did a commanding performance in
The Apprentice. I think he would be great as president. Not only that, he is a man. We have a tradition of male presidents and it is not the time to break the tradition. England had a female queen and look what happened to them. Sorry, I love America too much to say the politically correct thing and pretend that a woman is up to the job. The only
brassiere should be Donald's chest-undersupport garment!