Sunday, July 16, 2006

Don't Mess With God's Chosen People

Well, I hope those terrorists learn their lesson, if you mess with God's chosen people, then you are going to get burned. I may not be Jewish, but I consider myself to be somewhat of a Biblical scholar of the old testament. If those fellows would put down their Korans and pick up a Bible, they would see that you just can't mess with the Jews. Look what happened to Hitler!

One thing about my country, the good old USA, we always bet on the winning horse. If you kidnap an Israeli, the USA will provide all the bombs and planes necessary to respond to their ransome note.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I suppose you would consider sending Beetle Baily into Lebanon? LOL

Tammy Pulgar

P.S. I like your picture. Did you get the pictures I sent to you?