Saturday, November 10, 2007

The Senate is Disrespectful to Overide the President's Veto

We look like fools in the eyes of the world when the government of the US contradicts itself. I am talking about the congress overriding President Bush's Veto of a bill that was just too darn expensive. I honestly wonder if Osama Bin Laden is paying off some of those Democrats so that they will screw up the government.

The veto they overrode was a law for some water conservation massive boondoggle project that, among other things, would clean up and protect the Everglades in Florida. It doesn't make any sense. Why would they clean up the Everglades if all of South Florida is going to be under water anyway? Right!!? Holier than thou Nobel prize winner Al Gore keeps saying that global warming will put Florida under ten feet of water. The Democrat Party obviously doesn't believe its own propaganda because you can't have it both ways. They wouldn't clean it up if they honestly believed it was going under water.

I say respect the president's veto. As for Florida we can all say, "It's all water under the bridge!" LOL.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't see you or the president moving to Florida!

Daphne Kaiser-Sanderson