Tuesday, November 06, 2007

They are Packin' Heat in Pakistan!

We really need to support the government of that dictator in Pakistan. He understands that it just doesn't work with those guys to have democracy. I mean, how can you let a bunch of bearded guys in linen robes choose the leader of a country. I am not saying that they are stupid, just ignorant for not picking up our customs from watching our movies. Most of them carry a Koran in their pocket. The only reason I would carry one of those is for if I run out of toilet paper. I am sorry, but it it true. The Bible is older, from the real God, and that settles it.

It is better to have a strongman, just as long as he is our friend.

Do you know the main reason? They got the bomb! If they vote democratically, they might pick that fumble fingers woman or worse, Osama Bin Laden as president!

What will happen then?



Anonymous said...

You are an opportunist. You aren't fooling anyone. You carry the Koran to make friends with those guys so they will tip you big.

-Chandra Latinsky

Porcupinetaxi said...

You are so waaay off! Those guys are the worst tippers because they are all taxi drivers. They criticize my driving and question my taxi meter. And those who aren't taxi drivers want me to stop at their Pakastani mini mart to pick up car air freshener.

Sorry, I don't want my car to smell like some Buddhist temple full of sacred cows!