Sunday, December 23, 2007

Happy Holidays, I Don't Think So!

Long ago the Druids, godless plant worshippers in barbarian Europe, implemented a conspiracy to undermine Christmas. Part of their conspiracy that still persists is the Christmas tree. These athiests (some say Satanists) specifically chose the tree as a symbol because they knew it was bushy enough to cover up the manger scene already in many houses and huts. DON'T BE A PAWN. DON'T BUY CHRISTMAS TREES!

Then in 313 AD, the Romans who were still clinging to Zeus and the other Olympian gods, erected a temple to the sun god, Helios, right next to a Christian Church approved by Emperor Constantine, the first Christian emperor. Helios was dressed up in, you guessed it, a red suit, cap and white beard. If you have any images of Santa Claus in your house, you are breaking the first commandment, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me!"

Next time someone says to you, "Happy holidays," tell them, "I don't think so. MERRY CHRISTMAS!"

Keeping the Christ in Christmas,



Anonymous said...


You have hit the nail right on the head. I want to vomit when I see how so many people have been manipulated by a conspiracy which continues to haunt us since before the third century. I reserve all my sermons from Thanksgiving on for this very theme and still some of my flock say to me (sheepishly) "But what about the kids?" I tell them that is exactly the point, What is more important, the kids or the kids' souls!?

You are funny, erudite, and concise. I could hardly believe it when I read your profile and saw that you were a taxi driver. And from the USA at that. You should paint your taxi red, white, and blue. I bet you make a lot of tips when your fares find out that you are American.

I humbly request your permission to quote your blog in my upcoming Christmas Service.

Merry Christmas,

Reverend Jacob Feldspar

Porcupinetaxi said...

Permission granted. It would be an honor.

Anonymous said...

I hadn't heard any thing about this. So I did some research to check it out. And I felt flabergasted. First I explained every thing to my kids and then I threw away the "Christmas" tree and images of Heilios that were in our apartment. Thanks Porcupinetaxi.

Ollie Goodman and Nancy Goodman

Anonymous said...

you ruin crismas porkupine! i h ate you.

from timmy goodman

Anonymous said...

Forget about Christmas. We celebrate Winter solstice at my house. The whole neighborhood gets involved and we end up with a big bon fire and we reclaim Santa Claus as a Pagan Godform, to which we have an alter dedicated. My best friend is a Druid, and he led the rituals, which were held within fenced groves of sacred trees that we planted some years back.
The experience is extremly meaningful and profound for myself and my children. It gives new meaning to 'diversity' when they are at school and have to explain why they won't sing Christmas songs with the rest of the kids.

-Stoney McPherson

Porcupinetaxi said...


That is not what I meant when I composed my blog. Pagans and Druids are exactly the culprits I am talking about.

What part of Jesus is the reason for the season don't you understand?

I think I know why they call you Stony! LOL

And Timmy,

You don't hate me. You will thank me someday. Jesus loves you!


Anonymous said...

Hey, Porcupine Taxi Dude,

You need to chill, like go watch The Golden Compass in the movie theater. It will change your life.

-Patty Pratner