Monday, January 21, 2008

Are We Ready For A Mormon In the White House?

According to the Mormons, who are also known as the "ladder day saints" on account of they will need one heck of a ladder to reach Heaven, the angel Macaroni visited a man named Joseph Smith and gave him golden tablets with the Book of Mormon printed on them.

He promptly lost them.

I don't think we need anyone from such a scatterbrained religion in the White House at this time. Imagine this scenario:

President Romney: Drop the big one on Iraq!
Advisor: But Mr. President we have troops there.
President Romney: Oops! My bad. I meant Iran.

Sorry. I will vote for Romney when they find those golden tablets. We still have plenty of good Republican candidates. We'll get the white house.


Anonymous said...

you raise a good point!

Turplington Jefferson

Anonymous said...

YES! I vote for Romney! We need a Morman as Commander in Chief, don't ya know? All those wives of his will come out of hiding, along with all of his kids. We will be the greatest country in the world again, since all of his smart wives will be giving him advice. I can't wait for election day!
-Jedediah Marcus Eli Joseph Smith, III

Porcupinetaxi said...

Jed, my friend, keep in mind that those advisors you think are so smart weren't so smart when they married him.

Take a page from Chuck Norris's book. Take another look at Huckabee.