Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sure Way to Stop Global Warming

The theory of global warming states that excess carbon dioxide emissions are making this planet like a greenhouse. Don't greenhouses make plants grow better? Hello?! Don't we like plants to grow well? We need to grow plenty of corn and other foodcrops for our next generation of bio-fuels. Wouldn't it be perfect? Instead of building a giant greenhouse, we make the world into one.

People say the glaciers are melting and the polar bears are running out of turf...Who needs glaciers anyway? I am sure Disney can mock up some glaciers that are even more interesting than the real ones. I already know that they can make some excellent animatronic bears.

Well, I guess you are thinking that my title is a little misleading. I wrote that title as a way of tricking the tree huggers into reading this. They need to face the truth and accept it. You drive cars, too. Don't you, tree huggers?


Rachel said...

It's a beautiful place to live. ;-)

Anonymous said...

I think it is juzt cuz anotha Ice Age pullin' back!!! IMHO

B. FRanK