Friday, January 22, 2010

We Got the Supreme Court, We Got the Supreme Court!

Ha ha ha. And there went Ted Kennedy's seat in the senate to a more qualified Republican candidate--great interviewer, the ladies think he's handsome, super qualified!

And it sounds like that Obamacare scam has run its course. LOL.

The Democrat party might as well give up. We will block anything they try to do and they will come out with egg on their faces. They might as well go along with us Republicans if they want to be remembered as a do something congress!

Ha ha! And look what happened to Tiger Woods! LOL.


Anonymous said...

I heard he promised one of his daughter's to Satan in order to get that seat.

Nick Finole
Mendicino, CA

Porcupinetaxi said...

LoL. YOu are a funny guy Nick.