Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Pledge Getting Results

GOP Presidential candidates who have signed the Porcupinetaxi's Pledge to Respect God:
Mike Huckabee (personal friend and best choice candidate IMHO)
Michelle Bachman (hottest candidate, since Sarah sits this one out)
Rick Perry (Republican presidents from Texas are great)
Newt Gingrich (a classic)

Public servants who have not signed:
Herman Cain (read your Bible--not a good surname)
Mitt Romney (wacky Mormon.  I think he came to my door with a Watchtower last week)
Huntsman (pal of Obama, and Morman to boot)
Santorum (he will sign soon)
Ron Paul (he is still trying to find the bathroom. LOL)

Just as I thought.  My pledge is helping a lot of Americans narrow it down.  I am sure that whoever the Republican runner is, he will beat Obama.  I don't think it would come down to it, but if it did, I would even vote for a Mormon to give ole Ayatolla Barack the heave-ho!

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