Monday, November 12, 2007

Porcupinetaxi Salutes The Troops

I send this one out to the troops so that they will know how much we appreciate all of their sacrifices to keep us free. I know how horrible it is out there in Iraq, crawling in the dust, eating second rate food, and always worried that the ground is going to blow up. I am so grateful that, on a beautiful day like today, I can go out to the beach in my SUV, look at all the pretty girls in bikinis, and say anything I want to the waiter in a restaurant.

If we were in another country the woman would be dressed in pup tents and we would be riding camels and I couldn't complain about the service or I would get my throat cut.

So thank you troops. You are number one. This Veterans' Day I salute you with a frosty mug of beer in this beachside restaurant with my laptop.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Porcupinetaxi, We read you all the time. Keeps us sane. Hey, want us to paint your name on a bomb? Just give the word we'll do it!

Gunnery Sgt. Mark Lemmon
Base camp, Hildy

Anonymous said...

Gobble, Gobble, asshole

Porcupinetaxi said...

Please don't put down the troops by using such language. They are the reason why you can write your anonymous comments on my blog! They put their lives on the line for you! Navy, Air force, Army, Marines, National Guard Units from every state: God Bless you on this Thanksgiving.

Anonymous said...

Gobble, gobble asshole

The storm of rotting wets my mood

And soeth goes the story of O.J. and Nicole

I thought that rash had cleared up for good!

-Steve, the poet (strikes again)