Monday, February 18, 2013

Happy President's Day

I fondly remember our greatest presidents today on President’s day:  Ronald Reagan and George Bush.  Together they have helped make this country what it is today.  President Reagan got the crazy people off the public dole when he closed down countless psycho-hospitals.  Those people can fend for themselves just fine on the streets.  As the great communicator said in an interview with ABC News, ''They make it their own choice for staying out there."

President Bush got the economy on a trajectory where it is finally getting better.  Even Mista' Obama gave him credit when he said that he inherited the economy from President Bush.

Porcupine taxi salutes two great Republican presidents!!!


Anonymous said...

You have a take on life that is very refreshing.

Magdalane Fontainbleu

Anonymous said...

I wonder what Jesus would do if he had the chance to run for president of the United States of America... Just think about it! Awesome, huh?

Mark Fork
Bent Fort, TN