Wednesday, December 05, 2007

All the Fruits and Nuts Roll To Florida

It used to be that the United States was described as a melting pot. Then the popular metaphor was a salad bowl. In the days before Arnold, our governator, took the helm, people said that California was the place where all the fruits and nuts collected in the salad bowl. Well now we know where they have gone, right where we suspected: Florida.

The Florida government has decided to maintain the blubbering manatee on the endangered species list, when actually manatees are now doing better than ever. They have bounced back so well that they are becoming a real problem with there antics of swimming into boat propellers and lumbering around construction zones, interrupting development. It is not like these are a bunch of cute little baby seals. These animals are huge. What's more, they actually damage the environment with the way they swim. As they browse around our coasts and rivers, their huge flippers on the rears of their tails churn up lead, arsenic, and other toxic pollutants which would remain harmless on the sea floor for eternity if it weren't for these lumbering dinosaurs of the seal family.

Dinosaurs, that is what they are. Shouldn't they be extinct already?


Anonymous said...

I have to agree with you. I saw a manatee once years ago in an aquarium in San Francisco. (Maybe it was a gay manatee, Lol). Anyway, it is long since dead. It seems that extinction is God's way of saying: "Sorry fella, you are too ugly to survive."

Anonymous said...

Actually, the manatee is not in the seal family. It is closely related to the elephant, believe it or not.

The Beach Bum said...

I certainly hope that this is a sarcastic post.

The Beach Bum