Saturday, August 04, 2007

Laura Bush Comforts The Twin Cities

When a disaster strikes, the White House brings out their secret weapon, Laura Bush. The people in Minnesota take such comfort from her presense. Maybe it is because she is the mother of two fine young ladies, maybe it is because she is a former school librarian, or maybe it is because she is the wife of our commander and chief. Laura Bush tours the collapsed bridge and offers tremendous comfort to the victims and family members of the victims.

Our government knew just what to do in response to the tragedy in Minnesota. As soon as the First Lady got off the plane you could hear the Twin Cities breathe a sigh of relief!

P.S. Now, just watch as the Democrats try to politicize this tragedy and use it as a way to raise taxes to "repair infrastructure." Don't buy it people. Our infrastructure is fine. That bridge was a fluke.


Anonymous said...

Didn't Hilary Clinton beat her to the bridge? That would have been a great campaign strategy.
-Emma Stringwould

Average Joe said...

I know a wonderful proctologist in town who may be able to help you. His methods are unconventional, but he has had much success with many, many people who have been out of sorts.

-E. Grunion

Porcupinetaxi said...

Ms. Stringwould, That is a great point about Hillary. Notice that Laura isn't running for anything, so her motives are clean and pure.

Mr. Grunion,

I don't believe in psychics and anyway, it is too late for any proctologist to predict the bridge falling down. I suggest that you demand your money back from that fortune telling gypsy!

Anonymous said...

She means your asshole, stupid!

-Cleavon Smithcone

Anonymous said...

Are we allowed to use words like that on this blog?

Tippie Prininger

Porcupinetaxi said...

Dear Ms. Smithcone,

Are you African-American? I am just wondering because sometimes we get into little games about semantics, based on whether we grew up with air conditioning or with a couch dragged out of the house and placed on the median of the boulevard. I respect diversity and want to point out to you that Mr. Grunion (a man, if I am not mistaken, hence Mister) is trying to offer constructive criticism. By the way, please avoid "Ghetto speak" in your comments, as it may confuse the majority of the readers.

P.S. I was the co-chairman of African Americans for Bush in 2002!

Anonymous said...

She means your asshole, stupid!

-Cleavon Smithcone